*Presentation Materials(TEX.):
Part 1 Roles of Civil Society in UN CRPD Review mechanism and further tasks
Main disability issues and activities of civil society to resolve them in the UN CRPD review mechanism
-Major issues by country
-Activities in the review mechanism regarding the issues
-Assessment on the Concluding Observation and implementation tasks/strategy
14:10-14:25 ROK by Korean Disability Forum
14:25-14:40 Japan by Japan Disability Forum
14:40-14:55 Bangladesh by CRPD-Platform
14:55-15:10 Indonesia by Indonesian Association of Women with Disabilities
15:10-15:20 Joint Statement by All Speakers
Part2 UN CRPD 2, 3 Concluding Observation to the ROK-Analysis and implementation plan
15:30-15:45 Main issues of 2, 3rd Concluding Observation to the ROK and implementation guidelines(Art. 1-20)
by Ms. Gertrude Fefoame(UN CRPD Committee member, ROK Country rapporteur)
15:45-16:00 Main issues of 2, 3rd Concluding Observation to the ROK and implementation guidelines(Art. 21-33)
by Ms. Gerel Dondovdorj(UN CRPD Committee member, ROK Country rapporteur)
16:00-16:15 Equality and non-discrimination by UN CRPD NGO Coalition
16:10-16:30 Participation to the society by Solidarity Against Disability Discrimination
16:30-16:40 2-5 Deinstitutionalisation including in emergencies by Women with Disabilities Empathy
16:40-16:50 Minor disability issues by Korean Disability Law Association