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크게 작게 위로 아래로 댓글로 가기 인쇄 첨부

October 26


Briefing  presentation

-Humanitarian Crisis 1: Climate Change and Disability / Dr Aleksandra Kosanic 


Panel Discussion 1

Humanitarian Crisis 2-Displacement(refugees, un/documented migrants) of the persons with disabilities

- Responding the Needs of Refugees with Disabilities and Experience of Trauma / Eric Rosenthal, Disability Rights International

- Case study-ROK: Deinstitutionalisation of a disabled person without Korean citizenship / Jaehyung Jeong, Dongcheon

- Case study-ROK: Displaced Persons with disabilities(refugees, immigrants, etc.) in Korea / Seongyeon Kim, Disability Discrimination Act of Solidarity in Korea

- Case study-ROK: Korean Policy for the migrant persons with disabilities / Geung-Shim Jeong, ROK Ministry of Justice


October 27


Panel Discussion 2

Humanitarian Crisis 3-COVID-19 and Right to Health

-Disability and COVID-19 / Jarrod Clyne, International Disability Alliance

-Case study-ROK: Ways to Ensure Health Rights of PWDs / Jongmyung Kim, Seongnam Citizens Medical Center


Panel Discussion 3

Deinstitutionalisation; the basic principle of the Humanitarian action

-Emergency Deinstitutionalisation / Ines Bulic, European Network on Independent Living

-Case study-ROK: Legislative efforts for independent living in the community / Hyeyoung Jang, National Assembly of Republic of Korea

-Case study-ROK: Stable provision of housing to persons with disabilities / Jongjyun Seo, Korea Housing Management


October 28


Panel Discussion 4

COVID-19 and Right to Educaition of the persons with disabilities

-Pivoting to inclusion; leaveraging lessons from theCOVID-19 crisis for learners with disabilities / Charlotte McClain-Nhlapo, World Bank

-Status and Suggestions of Higher and Lifelong Education for Persons with Disabilities(PWDs) in COVID-19 Era / Hagin Lee, National Council of Popular School for People with Disabilities

-COVID-19 & Education Rights of Students with Disabilities / Kyeongmi Cho, Korean Parents' Network for the People with Disabilities

-Ensure Continuous Education Rights for PWDs / ROK Ministry of Education


**PDF: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1vcL-mrq6IRNO7zRol4xJX7nqjryHqSei/view?usp=sharing









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