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2021 Global Disability Rights Conference


**Watch the recorded conference sessions(with Eng. subtitles)https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL-VC4nlj862yXxwD_qy_QlzRlGZN7PZGr


Human Rights Crisis(Climate change, refugee/immigration, COVID-19 and Disability)

-How can we build our society better and inclusive?


2021 October 26-28(KST)

Registration: bit.ly/2021GDC


Day 1 October 26(Tue), KST

13:30-14:00 Welcome Speech Jongsul Yoon, President of KDF Miyeon Kim, vice-president of UN CRPD Committee

14:00-15:00 Briefing presentation Humanitarian Crisis 1-Climate Change and Disability Dr Aleksandra Kosanic 

15:00-15:20 Break

15:20-17:00 Panel Discussion 1(Facilitator: Jaewon Byun, Solidarity against Disability Discrimination) Humanitarian Crisis 2-Displacement(refugees, un/documented migrants) of the persons with disabilities Presentation Eric Rosenthal, Disability Rights International

Discussion Jae-hyeong Jeong, Law firm Dongcheon Seongyeon Kim, Disability Discrimination Act of Solidarity in Korea Jaehyung Lee, ROK Ministry of Justice Q&A


Day 2 / October 27(Wed), KST

13:00-14:30 Documentary-“The Weight of Virus”(41 min., Hokyeong Jang, ROK) Round talk: 2nd year of Pandemic-What have been improved for disability-inclusive COVID19 response of ROK since last chaos? (Facilitator: Pilsoon Kim, Solidarity against Disability Discrimination)

14:30-16:00 Panel Discussion 2(Facilitator: Pilsoon Kim, Solidarity against Disability Discrimination) Humanitarian Crisis 3-COVID19 and right to health of persons with disabilities Presentation Jarrod Clyne, International Disability Alliance Discussion Jong Myeong Kim, Seongnam Citizens Medical Center/Solidarity against Disability Discrimination Seon Jeong Lim, Korea Differently Abled Federation ROK Ministry of Health and Welfare Q&A

16:00-16:20 Break

16:20-18:00 Panel Discussion 3(Facilitator: Junmin Yeo, Disability and Humanrights in Action) Deinstitutionalisaion; the Basic Principle of the Humanitarian Action Presentation Ines Bulic, European Network on Independent Living Hye-young Jang, National Assembly member of Korea Discussion Jong-kyun Seo, Korea House Management ROK Ministry of Health and Welfare Q&A


Day 3 / October 28(Thu), KST

10:00-11:40 Panel Discussion 4(Facilitator: Myungshin Choi, Korea Solidarity for Human rights of disability people with Brain lesion) Humanitarian Crisis 3-COVID19 and Right to Education of the persons with disabilities Presentation Charlotte Vuyiswa McClain- Nhlapo, Worldbank

Discussion Kyeong-mi Cho, Korean Parents' Network for the People with Disabilities Hak-in Lee, National Council of Popular School for People with Disability Sunmi Kim, ROK Ministry of Education Q&A

11:40-12:00 Farewell Speech


Contact: kdf@thekdf.org

Host/Organizer: Korea Disability Forum

Co-Organizer: National Assembly Members Minjung Kang, Insook Kwon, Yongjoo Kim, Insoon Nam, Byungchul So, Youngdeok Yoon, Sangmin Lee, Hyeyoung Jang, Hyeyoung Choi

Parteners: Disability and Humanrights in Action, Disability Discrimination Act of Solidarity in Korea, Korean Parents' Network for People with Disabilities, National Council of Popular School for People with Disability, Solidarity Against Disability Discrimination, Korea Solidarity for Human rights of disability people with Brain lesion, Korea Council of Centers for Independent Living


List of Articles
번호 제목 글쓴이 날짜 조회 수
25 [Statement]Russia shall immediately stop the military attack on Ukraine, and the community should implement inclusive countermeasures KDF 2022.03.01 4058
24 [성명] 러시아는 우크라이나에 대한 군사 공격을 즉각 중단하고, 국제사회는 누구도 배제되지 않는 대응방안을 이행하라 KDF 2022.03.01 759
23 [Statement] We welcome the government's decision to join the UNCRPD Optional Protocol KDF 2021.12.31 1301
22 [성명] 정부의 UN CRPD 선택의정서 가입 결정을 환영하며, 국회의 조속한 비준동의안 통과를 촉구한다 KDF 2021.12.31 768
21 장애포괄적 인도적 위기 대응 우수 사례 3-코로나19와 장애인 의료 secret KDF 2021.11.30 0
20 장애포괄적 인도적 위기 대응 우수 사례 2-코로나19와 장애인 교육 secret KDF 2021.11.30 0
19 장애포괄적 인도적 위기 대응 우수 사례 1-팬데믹과 긴급탈시설 secret KDF 2021.11.30 0
» 2021 Global Disability Rights Conference-Global human rights crisis and disability file KDF 2021.10.21 1375
17 2021 국제장애인권컨퍼런스 개최-기후위기, 난민-이주민, 코로나19와 장애 file KDF 2021.10.19 828
16 [보도자료] 국제 장애계 “한국정부, 유엔장애인권리협약에 부합하는 탈시설 로드맵 구축” 촉구 KDF 2021.08.04 850
15 P4G Civil Society Forum file KDF 2021.05.12 1031
14 P4G 시민사회포럼 개최 file KDF 2021.05.12 726
13 [성명] 유엔 장애인권리협약 선택의정서 비준촉구 결의안 발의를 환영하며, 정부의 조속한 비준을 촉구한다 KDF 2021.04.05 754
12 Statement for General discussion on the right of persons with disabilities to work and employment file KDF 2021.03.19 3583
11 [성명]한국 최초 장애여성 유엔 장애인권리위원회 부의장 선출을 환영한다-김미연 위원 UN CRPD 위원회 부의장 선출 환영성명 KDF 2021.03.17 755
10 [Statement] We urge democratic Myanmar, where no one is left behind -Statement of Korean Disability Forum, in solidarity with the Disabled Citizens in Myanmar file KDF 2021.03.02 2305
9 [성명] 누구도 배제되지 않는 민주주의 미얀마 재건을 촉구한다 -미얀마 장애계 군부독재 저항에 대한 연대성명 KDF 2021.03.02 768
8 Submission of Urgent Appeal to the UN Special Rapporteurs on 'cohort isolation' measure for institutions file KDF 2021.01.06 1442
7 Subscribe KDF Newsletter and be connected to Korean disability news file KDF 2020.08.04 935
6 [Statement-Eng] Death Knocked on the Door of Institutions First; The History of Segregation Should be Stopped -The Bare Face of Institutionalization unveiled by COVID-19 file KDF 2020.05.06 1364
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