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Russia shall immediately stop the military attack on Ukraine, and the community should implement inclusive countermeasures 


  • Call for Peace and Inclusive Humanitarian action


by Korean Disability Community



On February 24, 2022, Russia launched a military attack on Ukraine. Korean human rights/disability communities strongly condemn Russia's use of force and stand firmly with everyone in Ukraine, especially those with disabilities who face disproportionate effects from armed conflict. 


Russia's armed attack is an irreversible crime against those who have long suffered from COVID-19 and an insult to global citizens who have long wished for peace and a sustainable future. 


There are 2.7 million disabled people in Ukraine. As is well known, disabled people suffer more damage in humanitarian crises, including armed conflict. In many cases, people with disabilities cannot even access safety, relief, and recovery supports. Women and/or children with disabilities are at greater risk of experiencing abandonment, abuse, physical/sexual/mental violence, and torture in crises.


Accordingly, we ask the Russian and Ukrainian governments and all officials involved in the current situation to:


One. Russia shall immediately stop its military attack on Ukraine.

One. All parties shall respect the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, in particular Article 11 (Dangerous and Humanitarian Emergency).

One. The governments including Ukrainian, international organizations, and human rights organizations must take a disability-inclusive approach to intervention and humanitarian action.

One. In particular, consider the intersectionality of women/children/older people with disabilities, so that no one is left behind from the whole process of support.


Through COVID-19, we confirmed that everyone's safety is guaranteed only when the last person is safe. Russia and other international communities must fulfill all responsibilities to ensure the life and safety of disabled people. Korean disability/human rights communities will once again strongly confirm solidarity with the people in Ukraine and keep a close eye on future progress.




Korean Disability Forum

Solidarity Against Disability Discrimination 

Disability and Humanrights In Action

Korean Disability Forum

Korea Council of Centers for Independent Living (KCIL)

Korea solidarity for human rights of disability people with brain lesion

NAYA' Disability Human rights Education center

Women with Disabilities Empathy

Korean Women Workers Association

Seoul disabled people’s right film festival

Neoreunmadang Learning Center for the Disabled

Disability Discrimination Act of Solidarity in Korea

National Council of Popular School for People with Disability

Korean Parents' Network for the People with Disabilities

*Statement link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ZKFOQDoUhSXCjIbx9tVHl0519pZso6cWcxpHzVL35AM/edit?usp=sharing

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