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Pyeongchang Disability Forum 2022


PyeongChang Disability Forum (PDF) 2022 was held in Gangneung city, Gangwon province, the Republic of Korea from 2022 March 15th to 17th.


PyeongChang Disability Forum 2022, organized by the PyeongChang 2018 Legacy Foundation and hosted by Gangwon Province, was opened for disabled people and advocates from all around the world and activists for legislation for the people with disabilities to participate and discuss their issues and concerns.


This year, PyeongChang Disability Forum has inherited PyeongChang Winter Paralympic Games’ legacy ever since. Under the slogan of ‘Leave No One Behind’, and ‘COLOR WITH PARALYMPIC MOVEMENT’, the Forum is to discuss how to develop a national policy for the disabled in accordance with international standards of its.


KDF is also cooperating with the Pyeongchang Disability Forum since 2018. You can watch PDF 2022 again here!


1.  Keynote Session 1


- James THURSTON, Vice President, Global Initiative for Inclusive ICTs (G3ict)

- SONG Sokrok, Professor, Faculty of Liberal Arts and Education, Kyungdong University


2. Keynote Session 2


- Hubert FROYEN, Emeritus Professor, Hasselt University

- PARK Gyeongseok, Co-Chairs, Korean Disability Forum


3.  Parallel Session 1: The Right to mobility and the life of the disabled people


-JEONG Dawoon, Director of Policy Office, Solidarity Against Disability Discrimination

-KIM Yongsub, Representative, Gangwon Council of Centers for Independence Living Association, inc

-Laura ALCIAUSKAITE, TRIPS Project Coordinator, European Network on Independent Living (ENIL)

-LIM kyungmi, Representative, Okcheon Center of Independent Living

-LEE Hyoungsuk, Chairman, Seoul Council of Centers for Independent Living

-PARK Dongguk, Deputy Director, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport Republic of Korea


4. Parallel Session 2: This is our labour!-The right to work of the disabled people


-JU Youngha, Ph.D., Ewha Womans University Department of Social Welfare

-KIM Dohyun, Activist, Nodeul Goongreeso for Disability Studies

-CHOI Yongki, President, Korea Council of Centers for Independent Living

-KOH Gwanghyeon, Director of Disability Welfare Policy, Seoul Metropolitan Government


5. Parallel Session 4: Education-foundation for full inclusion


-KIM Kiryong, Professor, Joongbu University Department of Special Education

-Helen PORTAL, Policy and Advocacy Officer, Inclusion Europe

-KIM Kwangback, Secretary General, Independent Living for Incheon

-CHO Kyoungmi, Director, Korean Parents' Network for People with Disability

-CHO Minje, Principal, ‘JILLALABI’ Night school for the Disabled

-BYUN Jaewon, Doctoral Student, Graduate School of Public Administration Seoul National University

-KIM Seonmi, Director, Special Education Policy Division, Ministry of Education


6. Parallel Session 5: Disability rights and UN Complaint process


-Ellen CLIFFORD, Activist, Disabled People Against Cuts

-Steven ALLEN, Co-Executive Director, Validity Foundation – Mental Disability Advocacy Centre

-LYU Dasol, Director of International Relations, MINBYUN – Lawyers for a Democratic Society

-KIM Sungyoun, Director, Disability Discrimination Act of Solidarity in Korea

-CHO Kyubeom, Team Leader, National Assembly Research Service, Legislation and Judiciary Team

-AHN Eunja, Director, National Human Rights Commission of Korea, Disability Rights Division 1






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