[COVID-19 and Disability] The experience of PWDs during Covid-19 Pandemic-Japan

by KDF posted Oct 08, 2020


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The outbreak of the pandemic highlighted the significance of mainstreaming disability perspectives in general policies and guidance to ensure leaving no one behind. The disability communities in the Republic of Korea, for instance, has endeavoured to establish disability-inclusive measures though the whole process from the test, transportation for hospitalization, and support during the quarantine.


KDF held a virtual meeting to share the experiences of the disability communities around the North-East Asian region so that stimulate further cooperation and alliance. Disability organisations from Japan, Mongolia, China, South Korea, Hong Kong and Russia gathered and shared the difficulties of PWDs during the Pandemic, responses of the Governments, and activities of the CSOs and DPOs. This meeting was for the preparation of UN ESCAP 2020 NEA SDGs multi-stakeholders Forum side event. Here we share the valuable stories from the colleagues in the NEA region. The presentation materials can be found attached, both in English and Korean. 




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