P4G Civil Society Forum

by KDF posted May 12, 2021


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Event Synopsis


Schedule: 2021.5.14 (Fri.) 10:00~18:00 (KST)


Venue: Seoul Women’s Plaza


On-site attendance: Presenters/discussants, personnel for the event etc. (about 30 people), Korean civic groups, journalists, and government officials etc. (about 20 people)


Korean-English/English-Korean simultaneous interpretation, sign language interpretation, online Zoom seminar system and YouTube live






P4G, a network of global leaders and innovators seeking breakthrough solutions for green economic growth, is a global initiative of Partnering for Green Growth and the Global Goals 2030.


P4G aims to bring together government, business, and civil society organisations to develop innovative and concrete public-private partnerships at scale to deliver on the SDGs and Paris Agreement.


P4G’s uniqueness is rooted in the new form of public-private cooperation in which not only the government but also the private sector and the civil society jointly take part in climate action. This adds a complementary role to the conventional climate regime currently focused on governments and the UN system.


When P4G was launched in 2018, civil society had very scanty information and awareness. Therefore, P4G Civil Society Forum seeks to highlight the importance of civil society participation in the P4G decision-making process.


The Korean Disability Forum (KDF) will give a presentation at a session from 13:00 under the theme of ‘Climate Crisis and the Disabled’ (Presenter: Dr Joo Han LEE, Research Fellow, Korean Disability Forum).


For more information, visit https://p4g-ko-cso.tistory.com/



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